Lots of you have offered food and we want it, but call me 'cuz I need help organizing it. Also, here is a kink in the program. Tracy is gluten intolerant. Which means she can't eat anything with wheat in it. Cindy Beckworth knows about it and can help if you need her to. Also, you can check on the internet for things. It's kind of crazy, 'cuz things like Soy Sauce and some salad dressings and soups have wheat in them. Weird, huh?
Man, I'm tired, so I hope you will forgive me if I haven't answered some questions or given some important info. Let me know in the comments and I'll speak to it. Gotta do some stuff.
Indebted in love,
absolutely AMAZING!!!
GOD IS SOOOO GOOD!!! and still working miracles, isn't HE.
Welcome home baby..We stand in awe of what He has done....love, Dad & Mom
We are rejoicing with you. Rest in His presence. Thanks Jeff for all the updates and thanks Tracy for being you. We love you both. Helen and Bob
We are already dancing! Might even get a grand jete out of Meghan - who knows?
Ready to spend a couple of hours now and then keeping Tracy company when you need it after this weekend. Let me know -
Terry C.
I'm so glad your out of the hospital, Tracy! I didn't know what to think, April Fool's joke or not, but the picture doesn't lie! Take it easy, kids. God bless you through these days.
Welcome home neighbor and friend! LOOK AT THAT SMILE ON YOUR MAMA'S FACE!!!! Pretty well says it all.
Ms. Ladonna
Wow, Praise the Lord! We are so grateful and happy for you all! Now get some good, uninterrupted rest! <>< Cindy P.
I just read your blog and have to smile. This has GOD written all over it. I am so excited and thrilled Tracy that you are well on your way, I would say to normal, but life is now changed, better. You and your family will remain in our family's prayers. Sue and Pat Shaw
We are so thrilled for all of you...Tracy, Jeff and ALL the family. What a wonderful blessing and gift from God. Take care and know that we are still thinking and praying for you! Jack and Laurel Ancone
Yeah!So happy you are all home together again.Jeff I am glad you are limiting visits. This is very important. Tracy really needs lots of rest and so do the rest of you. After brain surgery rest is key in the healing process. We know yal'l love and want to see everyone but set those limits. Love, karen Dahmann
How Great Thou Art! You are a walking miracle, Tracy. We too, thought it was an April fools thing. I could offer a dozen cautions, but your mom is there so she can handle it. We've been following your blog. What a testament to the power of prayer. Love, Larry & Ruth (old friends of your mom & dad)
Tracy & Jeff,
It has been so amazing watching the Body of Christ unite in prayer over you guys not only here in Washington County...or here in Texas...but all across the United States. It has just blessed my socks off to see the mighty work our Lord has done with and through you guys! Our prayers continue to be with you. He is definitely at work!!!
Debbie Fathauer
Well, I just about fell off my seat when I opened the blog and saw you all standing in front of your house. I think I was in the hospital with my C-section longer than you were in with brain surgery! I don't think any of us could have expected this a week ago. Glory and honor to you, Lord Jesus.
Welcome home, sweet family.
Susan (TL) and the girls
Tracy and Jeff we are praising God with you. God's love and mercy is so amazing. Tracy you are a very "SPECIAL CHILD" of our Savior.
Thanks for keeping us updated and know we are standing by if there is anything we can do.
Our Love and Continued Prayers
Georgia & Swep
Praise The Lord!!! Glory to God!!!
Welcome home Tracy. We are so thankful for answered prayers. Get lots of rest and continue healing. We are continuing to pray. We love you.
Good morning!!! I am so happy for you all - I can hardly contain myself!! Brings big ole tears to my eyes!! Tracy looks GREAT!!! Home is where she can heal the bestest!! God is so amazing!! Your faith is such a tribute to that!!! Enjoy being at home!! Annie I know you are elated!!!!
Kim J
What a relief! THANK YOU JESUS!
I am so happy you're home! I am also very happy that you weren't April-fooling around!
I love you very much! Let me know what I can do! =)
Was thinking this morning about the analogy in Scripture of husbands loving their wives like Christ loves His Bride the Church. Many of us have watched Jeff love Tracy in thousands of selfless ways recently. (Sorry to be talking about you two as if you're not here!)
I'm so thankful for the picture of the love of Christ lived out in this season of your marriage.
Thanking God for His Faithfulness--SandyB
Let me know when you guys want to start the meals. I can help you organize. We can slip them through the front door for now. Just let me know.
Tracy, I just don't know what to say. His overwhelming grace and mercy are too much for words! You are the miracle and He is the miracle giver. What a sweet place to be in!! I love you!
Jeff, your doing such a wonderful job of taking care of your sweetheart. It makes my heart happy!!!
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