Later in the afternoon, she had a visitor and it was a great time. (I went to another room, but could hear them and it was wonderful to hear them just talking like good ol' friends.) Thank you gals for coming over and calling. Have you ever been tired, but it was a good kind of tired; the kind of tired that when you get to rest, you sigh and slink comfortably into your couch, or recliner and as you close your eyes you are thankful for the work that got you that tired? That is what I see in Tracy after getting to be with kind people.
I said I should have taken a picture, because at church, Tracy's eye started bothering her, so she put on her sunglasses. She has these big ol' sunglasses and she was wearing her little soft cap that covers her cut. She looked like a movie star who was trying to be disguised in public. It did help her eye well enough, so we didn't care about the look, but it was a fun moment.
BUT never fear, we got a picture at home. What a gal!!!
Bethany takes the pictures and I told her that there was a star in Tracy's glasses and wondered if there was a way to get it out. She said, "No, it belongs there. Mom's a star." What a cool kid.
Still no leak from the cut. That's a good thing. We go Wednesday to the doctor to get the stitches out and ask lots of questions. Still sleeping in the chair and on the couch. Will probably stay that way until we see the doctor so he can belay any fears or issues we have.
Oh, I meant to tell you that when you call, a lot of times we have the phone on the speaker. Sometimes, it is just easier for now. That may not really matter to anybody, but it seems like you ought to know.
I'm trying to get Tracy to speak to the adult Sunday School class on Sunday morning of the revival. She hasn't said no, but she did say, "I better start resting up." She's a little apprehensive right now and understandably so. Right now, it's a we'll see.
Thank you for writing us back in the comments. We are so encouraged after we read them.
Because you guys are great,
Y'all lift my day whenever I read what God's doing with you. And the picture made me smile. She IS a star!
Terry C.
Tracy,so happy you were in church. I know it felt good to be there.Just wanted to say thank you to Matt.Zach finished his 4th speech and is finally finished. Matt has been so loyal and committed with helping Zach out.Couldn't have made it without Matt!!! Much love to you all.
Karen D.
Hi Tracy,
Yeah!! We are so proud of you, you are amazing. I will be calling you soon and maybe I can come by to see you for a short visit. Any thing special I could fix and bring when I come.
Love You,
Dear Tracy & Jeff,
Wanted to share this:
Yesterday (Sunday) morning our church provided breakfast for Bluebonnet Festival Vendors. I was talking to a couple--the KettleCorn folks--when I saw Jeff out of the corner of my eye. I explained to the KettleCorns that this man's wife had brain surgery less than 3 weeks ago; and here he was, back for the first time. And I had heard that she might be coming to church today as well. How amazing!
They wanted to know all about Tracy's recovery and I gave a very brief report. All I could say was that we had all seen God do miracles. And the three of us praised Him together, right there.
I excused myself and made a beeline for Jeff at the copy machine, where he was making final preparations to teach his class. (What a faithful teacher, truly!) We were joined shortly by Mrs. KettleCorn, who spoke words of encouragement to Jeff and Tracy. She affirmed God's mighty power as she and her husband left to start their work for the day.
There is something so magnetic about people in whose lives God is doing a great work (that would be you two, Tracy & Jeff!) . . .
On the one hand, I'm so awed by God's greatness in your experience that I dare not come close. The Burning Bush comes to mind! And yet, it's such a faith-growing privilege to stand alongside (at whatever distance) and glean some of the glory that's left in the wake of your close encounter with our Dear Lord.
Thank you both for being so transparent to share this season of your life. And to God be the glory! Great things He is doing!
Gratefully barefoot on Holy Ground--SandyB
Good morning to all!! So good to hear Tracy is able to get out some. That is fantastic!! What an inspiration to all of us! Praying for you daily!!
Cullen said... Aunt Tracy you could put your finger on the side on the paralyzed side and hold it up to make a smile.
You look amazing!! I love you so much and I am continually praying for you!
(in 32 days it will be Rachael Kamprath!!!!)
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