Friday, February 22, 2008


Well... we heard and the surgery is scheduled for MARCH 27th - I will go in on the 26th for some pre-surgery procedures. We were really hoping it would be sooner but I can already see the benefits of it being later - I have time to buff up my body :), will get to see Chris and Rach on Spring Break, will be able to go to Rachael's showers, will be home for Matthew's and Mom's birthdays, spend spring break with Bethany and so... I guess it's more of the waiting game. I do have to go in and do some pre-op stuff and still have people I need to contact like the radiologist etc. So... please continue to keep us in your prayers as we wait. Pray that we won't give in to the spirit of discouragement -after all God is still in control and He is not bound by time - thanks for caring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are on our prayer list @ Second Baptist Church, Lubbock! (Has anyone given you a prayer shawl?)