Friday, March 28, 2008

Talked with Tracy at 8:00 a.m. Friday

Wanna smile? I talked with Tracy. Talked, like you and I having a conversation. Respitory therapists took the breathing tube out after 7:00 a.m. sometime. Made a huge difference. She looks better and is coherent and interactive. When I saw this was the case, I began telling her abput the blog comments you guys have made and different emails that have been sent and about the visitors yesterday. Then seeing that she was more than just hearing, I began telling her how the surgery went and the positive outcomes we are seeing. She nodded her head in understanding. She, using her voice, asked for chapstick and pursed her lips when I applied it. She said, in a quiet voice, that her neck didn't feel supported. I told Jessy, the day nurse, and she folded up a towel and told Tracy to lift her head. She did and Jessy slid it under. A minute later Tracy wasn't happy with its placement and Jessy repeated the process. I am giving you all these details so that you get a sense of how coherent she is. She is actively thinking, feeling and making decisions.

Now, she is in some discomfort, of course, so she was given more meds to get her to sleep. Jessy said this is a day Tracy needs to rest. Last night, she was given a lot of meds and had a lot of discomfort (a more pleasant word for pain,I guess)If any of the family sees her, they really need to just see her and let Tracy sleep.

At present, the right side of her face is not strong. Muscles do move, but they are sluggish or too weak to move much at all. Should improve. Jessy said that all the patients with similar surgeries come in this way. Jessy was very positive and upbeat, while still being firm about her expectations. She has said that Tracy is doing very well. I understood that too mean, beyond normal recovery.

It is a beautiful thing.

Here is the verse apropos for today, so far. Ephesians 3:20 "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever! Amen.


Anonymous said...

I am sitting at my desk praising God for what he has done with Tracy!
Thank you Jeff for keeping us posted.
I keep your blog open on my desktop and check it every 30 minutes or so to see if you have posted anything new.
My mind can't comprehend how big and awesome our God is!

In Christ's love
David Richardson

Anonymous said...

Praises, Praises, Praises!!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Jeff, Tracy and family-
Thanks for the continuous news. We love you, care for you, are praying for you, and are following every development. By sharing this experience, you have shared your very intimate contact with God and your powerful faith in Him. God has worked for you and through you. He has touched us through you, and most certainly has placed His hands on Tracy. May things continue to go well.
Love, Lloyd and Betty Van Horn

Anonymous said...

Praise God for such awesome news! I know that the journey to recovery will be hard, but it sounds like she's off to a flying start. I will continue to pray for a quick and complete recovery.

Unknown said...

How wonderful to hear from you so soon, Jeff! Thank you for keeping us right up on top of everything. Tracy is constantly in our thoughts and prayers. I read your blog to Cullen before school this morning. He listened, head bent and still, intent on understanding the information. He's so happy his Aunt Tracy is doing so well. We are all breathing easier. Tracy's coming along, just as we prayed! When you can, give Tracy some gentle kisses from the Parker family.

Love you all.

Anonymous said...

I am praising God this morning for His attention in such great detail to Tracy! Let us PRAISE HIM - PRAISE HIM - PRAISE HIM!!!
Carin Simmons

Leslie Webb said...

WOW! God desires to do amazing things among us! Praise His Name! Thanks Jeff for all the updates. We rejoice with you! Leslie Webb

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited about everything and am praising God for His faithfulness! Tell Tracy I said hi! Jaymee says hi too! She still talks about the way she and Tracy laughed all the way to Super Summer last year!! She had a blast with her! Give her a hug from us and tell her we love her! Praising HIM! Tonya and Jaymee

Anonymous said...

Tracy, I know you will soon be able to read this e-mail. Your Mom called me the very good news this morning. Our GOD is a powerful GOD. HE has protected you through out the long day in surgery and will continue to be by your side as you recover. Just remember you have many friends who are praying for you, we lift you up every hour of every day. God bless you and Jeff and all your family.

Karen Hazelwood said...

Jeff, Tracy, family,
God is truly working for His glory and your good! We can't even imagine what the next step will be - only that He is faithful and loves you even more than all the people who are surrounding you. My prayer is that you will continue to be encouraged and loved. God is faithful. I love you all - Karen

Anonymous said...

I wish i was chowin down on some good ol hospital food with you! I miss you , see you in a few weeks!

Josh J

Anonymous said...

LOL I just talked to her. I was telling her how great she looks and how her hair is still long. She said that white thing is still there though, i told her it was like a headband. Her response: "punk rocker" =)
She also played a joke on her favorite nephew Byron! Pretending to not know him, LOL!

I love you Aunt Tracy!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is, I am so thankful for this horrible and amazing thing call the internet. God CAN use all things for good because I feel like I am there. Thank you for keeping us informed. It helps us to not worry or be calling trying to find out what is going on. Also thanks for the details it tell us science people alot. Helps me understand what is waking up and it sounds like one of those, "great and mighty things" that God does so well!
love you,

Unknown said...

God bless you all. We're so happy to hear the surgery is behind, and the recovery has begun! The Lord is doing a might work not only in Tracy's body, but in the hearts of so many! (Ps. 46) In Him, <>< Cindy P

Anonymous said...

We enjoyed our visit so much with you and all the family yesterday. My favorite time was the prayer of praise and thanks to the Lord with the doctor. That was awesome! Your strength and testimony are a powerful witness to all your family, many friends, and to all those who are in the waiting room. Tracy's strength in an encouragement and inspiration to everyone. God's glory will continue to be revealed to all who come in contact with Tracy. We have called unto Him and seen Him answer (Jeremiah 33:3). Praise God for these "great and mighty things." God is so good!
Give Tracy a hug for us and know you will continue to be in our prayers!

Love to you all,
Paul & Shirley

Anonymous said...

Hello beautiful family! I am in Southern Califoria running to the computer every bit to see what else God is doing. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. It is so awesome to hear how the Lord is working out there- and to hear of the wonderful body of Christ that you have there with you, being His arms, legs, voice, feet, and hands. Our God is an AWESOME GOD, and we rejoice with all of you in the miracles He's doing in Tracy's life. I'm glued to this spot and can't wait for the next chapter in this precious story. Again, thank you for sharing it with all of us. Know that a body of believers in So. Cal is praying that the Lord will continue to do above and beyond all we even know to ask.
Hugs to all of you,
Carol Bailey Ryan

Anonymous said...

Jeff and Tracy,

Great to hear all the good news this morning, it has been a blessing to see firsthand how God can answer prayers so specifically. We are continuing to pray, let us know if there is anything else that we can do to help.

Brad & Jessica

Sandy Bingham said...

Okay, I officially want to be adopted into the Bevers/Kamprath family. Where do I fill out the papers?!

What an awesome day Thursday was. Our marathon vigil in the surgery waiting room was such a gift. Several times God just allowed me to look around the room at all the generations of this family, and it took my breath away. Sweet fellowship (even though there were at least nine laptops in constant use along with what seemed like 2 cell phones per human!!). Scriptures shared as well as Skittles and Chex Mix. BananaGram games and group prayers. Christ was indeed present in every unique personality in the family. Glory to God.

Hey, Tracy--I'm sorry you missed it. While you were "on the front line" of the battle, your precious family was standing in the gap. But you know the treasure you have. All are a reflection of Christ. Y'all are all shinin' so bright, we need sunglasses!

And come to think of it, our Savior has already completed the adoption process! We're all brothers & sisters in Christ--joint heirs of the kingdom that we glimpsed yesterday in the third floor surgery waiting room at Methodist Hospital. Glory!

Trusting Him for every breath--your sister SandyB (that B is for Bingham-not Bevers!)

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord. Eph 3:20 gives me another meaning. After Hurricane Rita, Wednesday night a group of us, TBM-Disaster Relief, in Lufkin we talking about how we needed a Power Washer. We were to talk about with the Lord that night. About 20 minutes later we found a power washer in the Tow Truck, still in the Box from Lowe's.
That night in my Bible Study I came up on Eph 3:20. We did not have to pray for the Power Washer, we just thought about it and the Lord knew what we needed and he granted it.
It took me about 6 months before I could tell that story with out being emotional.
God is awesome
Victor Norman
Longview, TX