Thursday, March 27, 2008

Got to see Tracy

Well, it's 1:30 a.m. and everyone is somewhere asleep. We sat in the waiting room until about 10:30 p.m. when we finally went to find out what was going on and it turns out Tracy had been moved at 9:00 p.m. to the NICU. Frustrating, but understandable (big hospital, lots of major and serious surgeries going on all the time almost day and night). Also, (continuing the glass half full perspective) it probably would have taken about as much time to get Tracy situated and allow the nurses to become familiar with her needs, etc., such that when we did come by, it would be easy...and it was.

Teri is the nurse tonight. She's special; very sweet, compassionate and prays for her patients. Handled me just right when I came in to see Tracy after learning we had been forgotten about. This one faux paux does not negate the very positive experience we have been having here. Magnificent, in spite of this little booboo.

Tracy has a huge, white gauze bandage over her head with a lot of padding on the right side. Her face is somewhat swollen, of course, but she looks good in light of what she has been through. She is pretty uncomfortable with the breathing tube, but she is pretty heavily sedated and receiving pain meds. Her arms are strapped to the rails of the bed so that she does not dislodge or damage the breathing tube. She writhes around quite a bit, when the medicine wears down, but that is the time evaluations can be made of her abilities. She has already held up 2 fingers when asked. That is pretty significant when you consider what she has endured and all the tubes and wires sticking out of (or into) her now. They are actually going to try and take out the breathing tube in the morning.

We are so blessed by the many visitors and commments to the blog. Getting the comments is like getting a present everytime we look at the blog. Wonderful people showed up today, just to sit for a while. We know that took time and resources out of each one's day and we are blessed. Thank you, thank you.

Now, visits are probably not beneficial to either you or us. You can't really see Tracy while she is in NICU and there is not much room to handle lots of people in this part of the hospital. It is kind of around the corner and far to the back. Very quiet back here.

So please talk to us; email us, comment on the blog, call us to see if we are available for a visit, but please be aware that the next few days are pretty seclusive for Tracy.
I gotta try and get some rest. I appreciate you guys so much.

Cool promise from God: Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm, plans to give you hope and a future.


Suzanne (Holley) Dyer said...

Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow! I will continue to pray!
Suzanne (Holley) Dyer

Anonymous said...

Dear Tracy and Jeff and family,

We're so thankful you've been carried over this major hurdle with "flying colors". We can hardly wait to see what new wonders the Lord will perform!

Blessings to you all,
Ted & Jane Clee

Anonymous said...

With this great news about Tracy, there is no doubt in my mind that we are led to read God's word to understand 'how it works'. So if I might paraphrase the theme embodied in Job, the unrelenting faith in Him will yield ultimate riches and blessings that are multiples of our life before and work to redouble our faith in all things.

Know also, Tracy, Jeff, & family, that your strength through this gives hope to those of us who also face the unknown in our own lives.

With love, John & Vicki

Anonymous said...

You and Tracy are ever the teachers. You are teaching all of us now how to handle really hard times with faith and trust. What a blessing to have so many strong Christians standing with you physically and spiritually. To quote Tracy from a past email, "I'm glad this is not paper because it would be wet from my tears". You know how much we love all of you and wish we could be standing right there with you but we are standing in the "gap" and will continue to do this. God is so good and has been preparing you both for this moment. If faith is worth more that gold, then the trials that strengthen that faith must also be considered precious. Try to rest and look for the gold in all of this, it is there somewhere.

Love you,
Shawna and Ronnie and girls

Unknown said...

Hi Jeff!
Praise God for the good outcome of Tracy's surgery! I am much encouraged by your news. It sounds like Tracy will be as good as new. We are praying for these next few days that Tracy will not suffer with feeling so bad. God bless your days. He's right there.


Anonymous said...


Isn't it great sitting back watching God work!!!
I can mentally picture Tracy curled up in the Lord's lap.
The Tres Dias community is also praying for her.
We love you guys.

David Richardson

Anonymous said...

Dear Tracy and Jeff,
We received the wonderful news that Tracy came through the surgery sooner than expected and that there is hope that it will not effect her as much as expected. We are so thankful to God and praise Him for the good news.
The Chelfs

Anonymous said...

We've been following the blog for weeks now and we checked it many times during the day yesterday. Wayne and I are with Jason and Alison in Dallas and so have been able to pray for you and rejoice in the wonderful outcome. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Love, Wayne and Marsha

Anonymous said...

Annie and family:

It is me Kim - I have been keeping up with Tracy thru the blog. So glad it is there for us to read. I am ECSTATIC that all went well. I know that God will continue to be with your family and continue his Blessings. You all are in my prayers. Love ya!!

Kim Januszewski

Anonymous said...


Wanted you to know that the office
received many calls Thursday asking
about Tracy. Folks were pleased to
learn of the blog site. I'm guessing there will be more calls today. Y'all are loved.

So grateful the surgery went well...a major "Thank you,Lord!"

Your sweet family is being thought of and prayed for. Take good care of yourself, too.

Joyce Ruley

Anonymous said...

Hi Tracy, Jeff and family. Our prayers are with you as are the family at Champion Fellowship. Praise God from Whom all Blessings flow. Helen and Bob Wolf

Anonymous said...

Ahhh the ups and downs of hospitals.For the most part they do a pretty good job.We prayed the tumor would be gone. Ann,Tracy,and I talked about what a miracle it would be to find no surgery was needed.God did here all the prayers. It's a miracle!!! Tracy has beat this nasty tumor and she is in the recovery phase.Praise the Lord! Love, Karen Dahmann

Anonymous said...

Tracy, Jeff & family,
We do serve and Awesome God!!! We are praising God for His work in your lives! Ronnie and I have been praying for you. Thank you so much for the blog - it is great to know where to focus our prayers. It is our prayer that you have a very speedy recovery & that God gives all of you the peace that surpasses all understanding. We are also praying for all of the people you are encounter along the way - that they will see Him through you! God has mighty things planned and is working mightily through you guys! Ronnie & Debbie

Anonymous said...

I am ecstatic that Tracy came through her surgery so well. I checked this blog often yesterday. I am just blown away with how your family has handled this major crisis with faith and prayer. You were having praise services, singing hymns, and you all came together in strength and support for Jeff & Tracy. I don't have the words to express how you have ministered to me. We have an awesome God. Thank-you for showing us how a family comes together united with our Lord God in such difficult circumstances. We never know what our future holds but now we know how to deal with the tough times when they do come. Bless you all!!
Brian and Angie Bartholomew